8/13/14 – Transition Period

Greetings! I have not been blogging for the past couple of months. I wish I could say that it was due to the fact that I was so busy taking vacations or having adventures. But it hasn’t. Frankly, I’ve wondered what the purpose of blogging even is- just another voice shouting into the endless cacophony of the internet. I especially don’t feel I have anything particularly pithy or clever to say. Some people are able to really synthesize their thoughts in a way that is very consumable and sound-byte worthy. Or turn their thoughts and talents into lucrative self-run businesses. I am totally jealous of the George Takei’s of the world!  I am not one of those people, however. Nor do I have a particular focus or purpose with this blog or posting on twitter/facebook/google+ etc. etc. other than to just share my random thoughts on things that I like- Working out, martial arts, acting, writing, playing music etc.

More and more I have felt that in this digital world people are becoming defined by how many twitter followers they have, how many “likes” they have on their Facebook profile or page, or by how clever their status updates are. In the acting world, advisors continue to say that one HAS to have an online presence. And this includes more than just a website where people can look at your pictures and reel. It includes “engaging followers and fans” by posting consistently and repeatedly.

This just ADDS to the noise, though!- More people feeling like they HAVE to speak their mind on everything from which celebrity died today to the latest comment by an idiot Congress-person. Often what is said is not particularly revelatory or worth looking at. I don’t care to continue to add my voice to the noise.

Part of my cynicism has been my own inability to express my thoughts and ideas and talents via these outlets in a meaningful or transformative way. This year I have worked harder than ever to get my acting career moving forward. I attended more Casting director workshops, got more auditions, and booked a Co-Star role on Scandal. I reached out to friends and colleagues to form accountability groups and book clubs. I sought to collaborate with other creative people on projects. Additionally I expanded my sphere of activity by returning to martial arts, going on several more mini-vacations, and fixing up my apartment so that my living space was nicer. I even finished a draft of a novel! Not so bad I think. I also tried working on a practice of gratefulness with my therapist. And I’ve also tried to expand my online presence by doing what was recommended- posting on twitter, Facebook, google+, LinkedIn, and of course blogging here.

But I don’t feel that it has really fostered any kind of meaningful outcome. So I am looking at what it is that I really want and how I want to play it. Because I’ve tried it this way and found it not particularly fulfilling or life-altering. I believe I am probably in the midst of a transition away from pursuing an acting career in any kind of traditional sense. I am an actor. I don’t want to quit and not sure I could totally quit if I wanted. However, I have no interest in continuing to pursue workshops in the hopes that I get called in and book one-liners on a TV show. If that was lucrative or happening in such a way that a transition to a higher level could happen soon, I might be interested. As it has been however, it has not.

Recently I related to a friend that I was in an acting class a while back where about half my classmates were consistently working and/or auditioning for big projects. Half weren’t. The only difference between the two groups was that one group was VERY good looking. And the other group was only ok looking.Sad. But true.

So instead of focusing on this aspect, I have been working more on my writing and considering a shift in a new direction.

Please comment below and offer your thoughts if/when you have contemplated your own career shift and how you went about transitioning!



3/21/14- Golden Age of TV

Commercial HeadshotIt is an exciting time to be an actor, story-teller, and fanboy. (I consider myself all three!). For a kid that grew up on Star Wars, Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and comic books, how could it not be? News keeps pouring out that Adam Driver and several young popular actors are up for roles in the new Star Wars Episode VII directed by JJ Abrams.


19e1p2xjhqk4jjpgImages have been leaked from the Ninja Turtles set depicting what the Turtles will look like in the Michael Bay produced live-action movie.

Marvel has been blowing it up with their fully integrated Marvel franchises Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor by combining them into their super-franchise The Avengers of which the sequel: The Age of Ultron hits theaters in summer 2015.

x-men-days-of-future-past-posterThe X-Men franchise has received new life in their own version of a super film with the older actors from the iconic first X-Men movies joining forces with the First Class under the direction of Bryan Singer in the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past.

In fact the only thing that I am not getting as a total comic-book nerd (or at least not getting soon), is a DC Comics live-action film franchise. The Dark Knight Trilogy was one of my favorite Super-hero comic book adaptations of all time. While The Man of Steel, which came out last year, wasn’t a perfect film, I was really excited for the movie and still have high hopes for Warner Brothers/DC adapting Superman and Batman and the rest of their pantheon into a Justice League film. worlds-finest-posterI’ve always been a fan of the DC Universe, but it seems that the folks at Warner Brothers have just not gotten their creative ducks in a row to compete with the tight, integrated, story-telling and marketing that Disney/Marvel has been able to do under the direction of producer Kevin Feige.

THE-FLASH-Full-Suit-Image-610x1011So I thought about it… with previous shows like Smallville and the announcements of the new FLASH, GOTHAM (based on a Batman prequel), and Arrow tv show still going strong on the CW, it made me realize, that DC has actually been doing okay for itself. Just in a different realm: television!

I think if you asked most actors 20-30 years ago what the pinnacle of an acting career was, the answer would easily have been regularly starring in major motion pictures. There used to be a large divide in perception between sort of first tier film actors on the one hand and a lower tier of television actors on another. And theatre? The life-blood medium of the actor? I’m not even sure where popular perception would put them!

But that has totally changed. Nowadays, we are experiencing a sort of “Golden Age of Television” as Gary Zukerbrod renown Emmy Award-winning Casting Director told his class in a workshop I attended. Television of late has had the best writing with focus on narrative and character. While major studios have cast their film lot with large tent-pole pictures like those mentioned above, and thus pandered a bit to the lowest common denominator, their television efforts have been able to attract people to intelligent, thought-provoking stories.

The best actors of today also now work in ALL mediums.luthor Look at Kevin Spacey, Oscar Winning Actor for American Beauty whose series House of Cards has redefined television by premiering exclusively on the web with Netflix Streaming. Meanwhile Kevin is off in London performing at the Old Vic Theatre. Bryan Cranston, a journeyman television actor starring on Seinfeld, Malcolm in the Middle, and then his iconic Breaking Bad role as teacher turned meth-dealer Walter White, was able to parlay that success into acting in major films like the Total recall re-make, and roles on Broadway like his current run as LBJ in All the Way. Oh yeah and he directs things like Modern family too!

In some ways, the rise of television has opened the door for many actors to appear in all kinds of projects, while also making the playing field a little more stratified (Actors who used to be considered for starring roles on television now find themselves competing with A-List film stars as well).

I don’t really have a point to any of this musing other than to contend that it is all very exciting. I hope that television continues to show the greater industry that stories centering around multifaceted characters, intriguing dialogue, and twisting plots are viable. And I hope that these sophisticated elements continue to bring us great stories on TV and translate to the nerdy stuff I tend to gravitate towards with shows like HEROES (which is coming back) and tent-pole films like Star Wars and Superman vs. Batman which we might have to wait a little longer for!

Now if they could just translate the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra series’ into live action without cocking it up I’d be a happy camper. (Barring that, if they just cast me in ONE of these types of projects I’d be excited! LOL)


2/16/14- Career: Build your Passion like a Business

The man, the legend, Mr. David Brent.

The man, the legend, Mr. David Brent.

David Brent: A philosopher once wrote you need three things to have a good life. One, a meaningful relationship, two, a decent job of work, and three, to make a difference. And it was always that third one that stressed me, to make a difference. And I realize that I do. Every day, we all do. It’s how we interact, with our fellow man.

Peter: How would you like to be remembered?

David Brent: Simply, as, the man who put a smile on the face of all who he met.

Ah, I love The Office. The original BBC version most of all. While, pompous manager David Brent may be a “Plonker”, his creator Ricki Gervais is the man.He stays true to himself and does what he loves.

In the past few weeks I’ve discussed goal setting for the year 2014 and broken those goals down into the areas of Mind and Body. This week is a further and very important extrapolation: Career.

When I think about the word Career I tend to associate it with a sort of a strict dichotomy: Work and Passion.

Work encompasses things like my day job and the sort of “busy work” stuff that is involved in having an acting/writing career.

Passion is the physical doing of the things that I love to do. In my case, story telling is the lens through which I’ve chosen to focus my inner spirit or journey towards awareness as it were.

For 2014, my goals are to make a shift toward viewing my work as servicing my passion and hopefully subsequently shift more of my time toward passion pursuits. For as another wise man said, a man who loves what he does, never has to “work” a day in his life.

With that in mind I plan to apply the Gym Jones Philosophy as well as the Da Vincian Principles I discussed in my last few blogs.

Again the Gym Jones Philosophy of training is:

  1. The mind is primary
  2. Outcome based training
  3. Functional training with a high degree of transferability
  4. Movements not muscles- do not work in isolation
  5. Power to weight ratio- Do not burn out
  6. Train all energy systems
  7. Training is preparation for the real thing
  8. The mind is primary in terms of confidence and chemicals
  9. Nutrition is the foundation.
  10. Recovery is 50% of the game.

In following any sort of training regimen it is important to sort of define the end result. According to Acting Guru, Dallas Travers (whom I frequently listen to via her free webinars and Acting Business bytes), if I am clear about that, I can reverse engineer my career. Additionally the primary emphasis should be on building relationships as that is how one moves forward (especially in this industry).

I want to keep it clear that I am going to mostly talk about acting, though I have equally ambitious aspirations in other areas like writing.

I hesitate to share all my goals for fear that I will sound silly or foolish. But I suppose at the same time, putting it out there into the ether means that I am somewhat more accountable.  Additionally I figure if I shoot for the stars, I might land on the moon. It might not be on this planet, but since I tend to write in the science fiction genre, I’m ok with that.

oscars-tom-hanksSo my ultimate goal currently is to have an A List film career with my own production company, writing, producing, and acting in projects that inspire me with my friends. Most of the A-listers like George Clooney or Brad Pitt have their own companies like this. While I may not be the same type that those folks are, I still admire what they do. That would be a life long dream.

  • A five to ten year goal would be to attend the Oscars as a member of a nominated film.
  • A two to five year goal would be to have a lead role in a feature.
  • A one to two year goal would be to look a smaller but pivotal role in a feature.
  • A 6 month to One year goal would be to have relationships with casting directors and have somewhat consistent auditions for features.
  • Monthly Goals include- Doing Two casting Director Workshops a month, Networking face to face with my connections in the industry (I tend to do this more often actually), and sending out a monthly e-blast update of what I am up to.
  • Weekly Goals include- Checking in with my accountability partner, blogging, attending acting class and/or my writer’s group, checking the Equity website, Looking up other day job prospects (My day job is great, but gotta keep the channels open in case there is an opportunity), posting a video (I have not been so great with this).
  • Daily goals include- reading an article about the industry every day, keeping up with my fans on social networking sites: facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Google+. Submitting myself online, Connecting with a person in the industry via e-mail, industry via snail mail, and callings someone in the industry. This in addition to keeping up with all the administrative side of things like my receipts, contact lists, mileage all updated.

So thinking about this and applying the Gym Jones philosophy without getting to repetitious-

1. The mind is primary- as discussed in my previous blog I am working on a positive mindset through practices of gratitude, meditation, Da Vincian learning principles, and here I am adding consistent reading of industry articles. I also have a goal of trying to write at least 5 days a week.

2. Outcome Based training- In addition to the goals listed above outcomes desired here are to become a more well rounded, skilled actor and expansion in all aspects of career. Currently I am taking Voice lessons so that I have the ability to go out for musical auditions (which I have avoided in the past), and I plan to follow this up with Voice over class and record a VO reel so that I can have that as part of my repertoire, before heading back into a scene study or on-camera auditioning class.

singing3. Functional training- All an actor’s training goes into the tool bag and gets utilized as long as you continue to put yourself out there. Physical, Vocal, scene study training etc. All of it goes into play.

4. Movements not muscles- I feel like here it’s important to identify the interconnectedness of everything. I am not training anything in isolation but trying to develop my skills and business holistically.

5. Power to weight ratio- Here I am focusing on film, not to the exclusion of anything else, but I need to be able to do what I want. So that means saying no to projects that don’t service the goal, and taking proper time to recover.

6. Train all energy systems- Again, while my goals my be based in film currently, I am training other aspects as well like singing and voice over.

7. Training for the real thing- Here the real thing is usually auditions and once in a while an actual role! I am continuing to not only go to auditions I get through my agent, but creating opportunities for the “real thing” for myself through self-submissions and writing.

8. Mind is primary in terms of confidence- I plan to continue Dallas Travers’ free seminars,  TED talks, and other inspirational/personal power videos once a week because that really is important for me not to be discouraged.

9. Nutrition is the Foundation- Of course eat right, but also I want to make sure that I am surrounding myself with positive, talented, successful individuals and ideas. That’s going to nourish my soul and allow me to continue on an upward path.

10. Recovery is 50% of the Game- There are times when you have to turn off the engine and Sundays for me are my day to not necessarily do nothing, but to not keep track of things as much.

And there you have it folks, my plan to tackle 2014 Career-wise. Let’s let David Brent lead us out-

5/10/13- Trainers is LIVE

This hilarious web-series I had the good fortune to be a part of is now LIVE.  Check out http://www.trainersshow.com for all the episodes. Visit the PHOTOS page above to view images from the set and the red carpet. And Click below to check me out Kung Fu style in Episode 1.  If you like PLEASE SHARE!!!

12/26/12- Year in Review

Thought I would take a moment to briefly outline what I was able to get accomplished this year and talk about my thinking for the next.

This year was a very good year for habit forming and foundation building which is sort of always on the agenda.  I had some goals to create a stronger foundation for my acting business and some hopes for how that would pay off for the year. I’m just going to briefly outline some things I wrote down for myself. In no particular order-

My New Condo Complex.

My New Condo Complex.

1. In Nov. 2011 I purchased a Condo in Monterey Hills (Near Highland Park).  I know technically it has been over a year, but this was a big purchase and I like to remind myself that this was a move that I made in order to stretch myself financially and personally.  It was a big step to take to become a home OWNER and create a more full and solid life for myself in terms of making my commute easier, change up my surroundings and mentality, diversify my equity.  Etc. I would not have been able to do this without inheritance savings and contributions from my parents for which I am very grateful.  And sometimes it’s still scary because I am now attached to a property/location and all the financial responsibility in a way I wasn’t before. But really, if things get bad, I can always get a roommate, and if I need to move, I can sublet the property.  I believe that owning is always a better step than renting because when I pay my mortgage I know it is going to paying off a loan, rather than going to a landlord (ie-money I will never see again).  Additionally I have a nice lovely space in a beautiful area, which is still a work in progress in terms of being decorated (now to get money and time to do that… LOL.)

Now a card Carrying member.

Now a card Carrying member.

2. I performed in 3 plays this year (one short piece).  I was in a show of One Acts through my writers group, a production of Twelfth Night, and the pre-show short- Sonnets for my Son through Vanguard Rep.  All very good experiences.  And then I decided to finally join The Actor’s Equity Association, the professional Union for Stage actors. Through that I was able to audition for venues like the Old Globe, Lake Tahoe Shakes, and Idaho Shakespeare Festival. Just another step toward making the stage for my acting and arts broader.

3. I re-did my theatrical Reel.  Wanted to get some of the footage from the Student films and shorts that I had been working over the past several years into my theatrical reel.  While the experiences of doing those projects is invaluable, the footage is hardly seen by folks outside of the circle of those who worked on the projects. Hopefully I have something that shows a far more wide-array of things I can do acting-wise. (you can see it on the main page here).

4. I re-did my website.  I decided that I no longer wanted to be paying for services that I felt I wasn’t utilizing.  To that end I stopped paying for Nowcasting and the service of my website being through them.  I learned how to use WordPress and created a website that I don’t have to pay a monthly fee for.  I had already purchased the domain name last year so all it took was time and effort.  www.adamburch.net is the result.  And I have written a couple blog entries too.  Which I hope to continue.  I hope to maybe write a little bit less more consistently in the future.

Me as a Nazi “Zombie” in Nazis at the Center of the Earth. (props to Carleigh Herbert and JoEllen Elam for the Make-up!)

5. I was the lead in a Chapman Thesis film- Chester Briggin’s Magic Blood, the film I was in Nazis at the Center of the Earth came out on DVD/BluRay, I was in another low budget Asylum film 40 Days and 40 Nights, I booked the web-series The Valley which shot in SF at the end of the year.  I also got several auditions for TV shows including Hot In Cleveland,  Ben and Kate, and the Jersey Boys movie mostly based off of my workshops/self-submissions.  Also had numerous commercial auditions.

A Good place for CD Workshops.

A Good place for CD Workshops.

6. I signed up for the Actor’s Key and began to regularly attend workshops. This summer I watched the Dallas Travers free videos and finally narrowed down the list of Casting directors I wanted to target and began just pursuing meeting those people.  I was able to mail them throughout the year four times so that every 3-4 months or so I sent them letters letting them know what I was up to and ask about their projects.  I also asked about being a reader at the Actor’s Key.

7. I began reading an Industry article a week, whether it was about a movie I wanted to see, marketing tips, or inspirational messages.  I felt like doing this and in a casual, but consistent way, my mind kept focused on me being IN the industry and allowing the way I was playing in the game to expand.

8. I got a New agent. Though this was a goal for the year, I didn’t actively pursue it until it was a necessity. I had hit up some friends with very reputable agents and did a showcase at the beginning of summer with 0 response (Other than the standard- we have your type, not seeking clients right now, you have no credits/not interested).  My then current manager sold his management company.  He then became an agent at a company that was bought out.  He landed at a new agency while, jockeying to become an agent at a higher level company. He was finally accepted, but could not take any of his clients that didn’t have substantial credits with him. So I was out of a theatrical agent.  I put out a message on Facebook and a friend who was working in the office of Agent Susan Nathe said he could set up a meeting.  Not only was she super-cool, she was willing to rep me across the board. This move was a no-brainer.  And my fingers are crossed that this new partnership for the new year will be successful.

9.  I submitted myself to Actor’s Access (my main source of self-submission) every day this year. And I also began looking at the Equity auditions on their website once I joined.

10. I took a Voice Over class and am in the process of perhaps doing a Reel. This was a goal for this year that I feel will bleed into next since it isn’t quite complete.

Could use some work.

Could use some work.

11. I took a couple voice lessons in preparation for my audition for the Jersey Boys Musical.  Unfortunately I don’t have much experience with musical theatre (only one show in college) but I think I could do it well if I had a little more consistent practice.  Basically it’s mostly about confidence singing in front of people. I play my guitar and sing plenty by myself.  It’s just not something I am used to doing in front of people. I had to do it for 12th Night this year in a small part of the play and I felt it came off well.  So I think this too will be something I could do… again it’s sort of time and energy… and how much I have to put in where.

Fantastic visions in my head.

Fantastic visions in my head.

12. I took my finished Sci-Fi action script and after a reading and endorsement of several professional writer friends, I submitted it to several screenplay competitions.  While I didn’t finish in the top 10 of any of these competitions, my script got some very good coverage/feedback and finished in at least the top half (of the competitions that told me).  I also submitted my web-series to a competition.  I also learned a valuable lesson- I think that many of these festivals are money making schemes and I didn’t hear back from several of the competitions I entered.  I think it really only matters to submit to the biggest ones where you will know you will get coverage on your writing, because otherwise you pay them money and never hear from them again if you don’t win. Additionally, I finished a draft of another feature length screenplay based on an idea I had worked on previously.  I’m still refining that one.

A Baby Taylor like the one I've got.

A Baby Taylor like the one I’ve got.

13. I bought a travel sized guitar to keep at work and play on my lunch breaks so that I could keep up my musical skills.  I would like to play with other people more regularly and take lessons again, but again time/money.  But glad I have access to play a bit more regularly.

Cloud Atlas was a brilliant book and a great movie.

Cloud Atlas was a brilliant book and a great movie.

14. I read several books including the entire Game of Thrones Series (five books and about a million pages LOL), What the Dog Saw, Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman, Cloud Atlas, currently reading Life of Pi.  I’m pretty sure I’ve read more, but this is all I can remember at the moment.


I highly recommend Stan Kirsch for his audition technique classes.

15.  Took classes at Stan Kirsch studios. This is a strictly audition technique class. Highly recommended.  Walked away feeling more prepared for auditions than ever and with several scenes for my workshops Only left due to financial constraints and feeling a bit burnt out.  When I head back to an acting class I am not sure where I will land.  I’d like to do something that feeds my “soul” a bit acting wise as well as business.  But I don’t know what that is right now.  I know the importance of being in a class consistently, but I just don’t know where I want to head at the moment.

I wish I were a Fire or Water Bender.

I wish I were a Fire or Water Bender.

16.  I quit Kung Fu- after 5 years, a black sash, and some great skills learned. Unfortunately I decided the commute and the broken noses and that the danger of a repeat injury like that at this particular school made the benefits I got from martial arts no longer worth it.  It was a sad and tough decision for me, but I think necessary, especially at my level to see what else is out there.  I hope to start at a new school sometime in the new year and I am still looking, while in the meantime attending meet-up groups and seeing when I can do some informal training for free.

My last car was a hybrid. I would like my new one to be as well.

My last car was a hybrid. I would like my new one to be as well.

17. Was in 2 car accidents this year.  One my fault, the other not.  The second of which culminated in me needing to buy a new car.  I am on the lookout now and excited to be adding this new addition to my base of operations which is constantly improving!

How do YOU feel you did this year?

How do YOU feel you did this year?

18. I began to see a therapist this year.  This is something I have wanted to do for a while to deal with any depression/discouragement and negative attitude I have carried with me.  I have very good insurance and so my therapist costs very little a session for unlimited session, though it is far away on Monday mornings.  But I am glad to also have this in my arsenal for the new year.

19.  Started an RPG group and we met about 6-7 times.  I wrote 150 or so pages of the story of the “adventure” our little group has been on. The sessions have been so much fun and I am very proud and fulfilled by the writing I have done for the group.

Bring it!

Bring it!

20.  Exercise.  I completed the P90X2 program and then a subsequent hybrid with Insanity the Asylum.  I then did the Insanity program, and the Insanity Asylum program 2x’s.  All in all I worked out intensely around 320 days this year.  The other 40 days I attribute to weeks I took off in between programs to let my body recover.  Hopefully I can continue the trend in the new year injury/illness free. Looking forward to starting some new Programs.

21.  I began to watch a lot of the Dallas Travers stuff and break my big goals down into 6-8 week plans where I accomplished smaller tasks on a more consistent and regular basis.

22. I did this all while maintaining my 40 a week day job.  I also did this while bringing my tardies down considerably (moving closer to work helped a lot in this regard. Especially since I was in danger of losing my job due to not being able to get to work on time). This is what pays my bills right now and I would really like to transition away from it, I haven’t found anything better to do as a day job without returning to school and pursuing a degree in something else.  I am always on the lookout for something better and will be actively looking a little more I think in the new year simply because customer service is a grind, but I think it is important to acknowledge my achievements while working hours that most people work for a single job.  I have tried to pursue a career/life in the arts while holding this down.

Here are some things I did NOT accomplish this year that I outlined for myself.  If you notice, most of these are results I could not control rather than something I could do for myself:

1. Watch an episode of each show on TV to know what’s on and where I fit-  I am a terrible actor this way.  And while whenever I got an audition for something I watched the show, I did not really keep up with TV.  I no longer get cable so I only watch on my computer and Netflix streaming, and I suppose entertainment was something where I wanted to watch what I wanted rather what I SHOULD watch.  Additionally, I don’t have that much time to sit and watch.  I am out doing more often than not.

2. Once a week reach out to someone in the industry I’d like to work with- This was a good suggestion that a friend made to me.  And I sort of took as writing to really big folks I wanted to work with.  But I think an easier thing would just be to go down my list of friends and touch base with people I know already a bit more.

3. Take a commercial acting class. I really want my career to start making some substantial money so that I can transition away form my day job.  Commercial auditions are the only thing (or seemingly so) on the table that have the potential to allow me to do this.  Unfortunately I have never booked a commercial, and my call back ratio isn’t even that good! And on top of it, I wasn’t too fond of commercials before and my lack of success has made me like them even less.  I don’t know how I feel about not doing this goal.  Even when I have had a positive attitude about commercial auditions, it hasn’t really helped me book.  It’s hard not to be results oriented in this category because as positive as I have been about the auditioning experience, it’s still hard to find standing around and grinning fulfilling.

4. Book a national commercial.  See above.  Didn’t happen.

5. Book Co-Star on Major TV show.  I got more auditions for these this year than before (like 4-5), but still an incredibly hard ratio to book.  10-12 guys saying “Hey Ben what’s up?”- hard to be the guy that’s the number 1 choice unless you have more opportunity for that.

6. I wanted to book a bigger lead in a feature.  Technically I achieved this.  But it was low budget horror film.  Not exactly what I envisioned.
7. Make enough money to not work at day job full time.  While I made more money acting this year than before, it certainly wasn’t enough to drop my day job.

8. Start a 3rd script by summer’s end.  Still was working on script number 2 and blogging and writing for my RPG group has taken up most of the time.
9. Write a 20 minute short to showcase my acting, film it, and submit to festival. I’m not sure I am super interested in this goal other than the result that I would hope to get from it (IE- recognition notoriety).  And so I am not sure it is such a goal to pursue for next year unless I feel creatively spurred to write a short.

10. Get together with others to play music once a month, look into music lessons/songwriting lessons.  This fell by the wayside just due to time and money.  Folks I asked to play together kind suggested they were busy as well.  So while it may happen, I am not the only factor in the equation and other peoples’ schedules etc. are at work here and I can’t control that.  Lessons- again time and money.

11.  Look into a foreign language class.  I have some Learn spanish in the car on CD.  I know one of the CD’s skips so I stopped. But maybe I need to try these again.

12. Take a big vacation.  Did not have the money for that this year.

Pipe Dreams/Goals-

End of the year goal- Booking roles on television. Literary agent and hooks to work in the writing industry. 10%-20% of my income generated through acting and writing. Auditioning a lot, but working on set more. Part time at day job. Lead in movies.

Some of this happened, as much as I can control.  I am proud of what I achieved.  I wish I could move ahead a little faster.  It seems other people can.

5 year goals- Enough income to live in a house. Producing and starring in feature length movies. Knowing the heads of studios and other producers.  They know me.  A production company.  Writing projects being turned into major motion pictures. Acting in major films. Writing a novel.

10 year goals- Living in a house.  Working in an office near the beach writing with friends and partners.  3-6 months out of the year filming projects abroad (acting). Family. Vacation home in Hawaii. Author of book series and major films. Oscar buzz around a film I made.



So those were goals that I wrote at the beginning of the year last year and set about accomplishing. I worked very hard to lay a foundation for some of the payoffs to happen.  But one of the things that has come up in therapy is attachment to things like commodities, money, recognition, etc.  And goals set with these things in mind are Results Oriented.  I’m a results kind of guy.  When I put work into something I want see it pay off.  And this year it has.  Maybe not as much as I would like, but it has.  Whether it’s working out and seeing results in the mirror, or going to Casting Director workshops and getting called in to audition. However, you really can control results to a minimal extent.  They are dependent upon circumstances outside of your own control for the most part. And so you can’t be too attached to them.  Which is especially difficult when society (and even people who are close to you) has the notion that you are your job, your finances, what you own, and what service you can do for others.

Money makes things easier.  It allows you to do things you want to do.  But if you only stay results oriented, focusing on things that are out of your control, rather than on things that are fulfilling and enriching, seems like a sort of boring soulless life.

So this year with my goals, I plan to be no less ambitious, but the tasks I have put before me will be more fun.  Less “hard” work. And while I can’t say I am completely devoid of this attachment (because the rub is I kind of hope that more results will come when I am less focused on them).

I’m hoping my theme for this year will be a little more go with the flow, stretch the boundaries, and doing things with a little more sense of adventure.  I want to keep in place all my good/hardworking habits, but shift my focus so they are just light and breezy rather than having a lot of weight and work attached to them.

Thank you for reading and being involved in a guidance/supportive role in my life.  The Renaissance in Europe which spawned the works of Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Boticelli, and later scientists like Galileo was only achieved through the patronage of wealthy donors.  They provided the guidance/support that allowed artists to achieve revolutions in their creative craft and thus the whole world benefited from this cultural rebirth.  I consider you folks my patrons if not my working peers!



Best to you in this new year!