11/14/14 – To go or not to go?

Commercial HeadshotHey Folks!

Wasn’t really planning a blog post this morning, but something came up for me which I often struggle with- Being spread too thin! It seems that when it comes to acting and auditioning, when it rains it pours. For months I have not been auditioning or performing consistently. Then all of a sudden this week several things came up. I was cast in a scene in my writer’s/actor’s group, SAFEHOUSE, I had an audition for a theatre, have been in rehearsals for a reading of Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia happening this Sunday, an audition for a network television show, an offer to audition for another theatre show my friend is doing this Monday…. whew. Meanwhile, I’m still maintaining that full-time 40 hour a week day job, trying to work through re-writes on my book… it’s no wonder I woke up this morning, struggled to get to work, and then felt like I wasn’t sure I wanted to go to an audition for an Equity Musical today!

Being spread too thin or over-working/over-training is something I am prone to and have to be aware of. One of my posts earlier in the year was about physical training and the tenet that proper rest and recovery is essential to growing and performing your best.

Could use some work.

Could use some work.

So, today there is an open call for a high paying equity theatre job. And part of me really wants to go. One of my goals has been to put myself out there for Musicals because I felt like I haven’t adequately explored that part of my range as a performer and I sing well. It’s also very scary for me to sing in front of people. But the other part of me thinks, “Of course this came up right when I am feeling burnt out and tired with a lot of other projects.” It’s really a balance for me between figuring out whether or not I am avoiding going to something because I am afraid to put myself out there, or whether or not I really am just taking on too many tasks. Without proper rest and recovery, the work on all the projects suffer. So the question is- should I stay or should I go?yin-yang

I’ll put it out there like this today in my blog. How do  you deal with this balance in taking on too many things? This isn’t a situation where I can delegate really. What are strategies that you use to deal?  Hit me up in the comments below!

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