3/26/15 – Birthday Challenge Update – 5-10 /35

Commercial HeadshotGreetings! Quick post updating my progress on the 35 Before 35 Birthday Challenge. This week, while the first since Pride and Prejudice closed, I beat the post-show blues by getting notes on my novel with my book club and I completed a draft of the Comedy Pilot my career counselor assigned me (mentioned on my blog a couple weeks ago).

Getting great notes on both and now tackling the process of re-writes and trying to get things put out into the larger world (the REAL challenge of art).

Screen-Shot-2012-09-18-at-11.19.46-AMI also finished a round of the Body Beast workout program and have started tackling an Insanity Asylum Vol 1/2 hybrid in anticipation of doing a possible mud-run.

In the meantime here are challenges 5- 12 of my Birthday challenge.

5. 3/20/15 – Eat a New Cuisine – This one was a difficult only because I’ve pretty much had most types of cuisine or if not the specific nationality, something pretty darn close. I settled on HIMALAYAN FOOD at this little joint————–>  http://www.tarashimalayancuisine.com/

Vegetable-Thukpa-Stew-2┬⌐NurhadeSouza-988x977Everything was very similar to Indian Food, though they had a few Chinese dishes on the menu as well (go figure). I settled on some momo’s (basically dumplings) and something I thought would be Himalayan- Yak stew. I’ll be honest, the yak didn’t taste any different to me than standard beef and had someone told me it wasn’t really yak, I wouldn’t be surprised. But A for effort I say.

61RjGpOMcDL._SX425_6. 3/21/15 – Buy an Item for the Bookshelf- This one not so much a challenge as using my birthday to continue to decorate my living space. Back in December in anticipation of taking on a roommate, I redecorated my room in what I hoped would be a sort of “Indian” style (my living room is more contemporary Asian). So I bought this little incense burner to put on my shelf as a cute little doo-dad to complement the theme.

sunflowers7. 3/22/15 – By Flowers for the Apartment/Host Book club- Again this is something that I might do anyway, but the birthday challenge was a good excuse to splurge a little on the flowers. The book Club to get notes on my novel was going to happen anyway, but I prepared a nice little spread for everyone and had a great time discussing my book with them!

Pool-475x3178. 3/23/15 – Use the Hot Tub in your Condo- Okay again a cheat. I use the hot tub more often these days, but I used the pool as one of last week’s challenges so using the hot tub to relax seemed okay. (Another cheat I actually skipped this Sunday and did this as well on 3/25/15)


9283-yin-and-yang-planet-1680x1050-fantasy-wallpaper9. 3/24/15 – Write a Mentor- This was an interesting one. I pulled the idea from online for a birthday Challenge. Who to write? I’ve had many teachers for many different things. I’d love someone who was a real mentor, but they kind of don’t have “Apprenticeships” anymore. I’ve been really into my writing, though, lately and so I decided to contact an author. I chose a man named Kevin J Anderson who is a science fiction author best known for his work on Star Wars Novels and Dune Novels. I’ve read most of those books since I was 12 and also a series of his own original works called the Saga of Seven Suns. All in all I’ve read about 20-25 of this guy’s books! I’ve also followed him in interviews and stuff. I contacted him through his personal website and just dropped him a fan e-mail letting him know I’ve been a fan since childhood and I’ve now completed my own Science Fiction novel. To my surprise and delight I received a response the next morning in my e-mail inbox thanking me for the letter. Yay!

$_5710. 3/25/15 – Sell something on Ebay- Okay another cheat (are you sensing a theme this week). I’ve tried to sell my Superman Commemorative Plate on EBay once before and got no buyers (Bummer)! I got the thing free when I was working at the Geffen and while I love Superman and comic books, I’m not a fan of decorating with them personally. Additionally, I have boxes of Old comics that I don’t really go back through and read very often, so I hope to sell some of those too and figured selling the plate could be a first step. You can view the listing here! Fingers crossed- http://www.ebay.com/itm/131467655212?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649

1/16/2015 – New Year and New Goals

2015It’s 2015 and that means a fresh slate to create new goals and visions. 2014 was chalk full of goals, and a lot of changes for me personally. 2015 I feel will be the same and include some leaps and bounds I have yet to make (literally and figuratively). I certainly am a goal setter and keep daily checklists to keep me on task. I’ve blogged quite a bit about it here, but in an effort to keep things efficient, I just want to put out into the ether my desires for this year.

  1. HumanBrainMind- My intellectual goals this year include finishing my novel (I’m down to the last few pages of the second draft), reading eight books with my book club (or on my own), and studying a foreign language (perhaps in anticipation of a vacation later in the year).
  2. I don't really look like this either.

    I don’t really look like this either.

    Body- I have a strong practice of exercising daily. I’d like to keep that up and gain a bit of size and strength, then bring my agility up to speed. The Body Beast and Insanity: Asylum Vol. 2 were the best programs I felt last year that did this for me. But what good is getting in shape without using it? I’d like to finally do a mud-run at some point either in the spring or late summer.

  3. Movie Reel and FilmCareer- In acting I would like to book a couple more roles on television to bolster my resume, I’d like to finally record a Voice Over Reel, and I would like to film a passion project (ie- something that I write and produce). As for the day-job side of things, I am looking to transition away this year from working full-time. To that end I’ve made some financial changes to ensure more income, I’m investing in a career counselor, and working very diligently on my artistic endeavors, hoping they will provide some streams of income (rather than trickles!
  4. The Power of Breath

    The Power of Breath

    Spirit- Oh man I’ve made a goal to meditate at least a few minutes a day four times a week and I am already not doing so hot in this category. But that’s the goal. Writing it down puts it out and makes the commitment more tangible for me. Otherwise, I have a thought of perhaps volunteering a little time somewhere, for something. I’ve never been much of a “I’m of service” guy, at least not in that way. But new experiences are important.

  5. SunsetTandemFun- It will be my 35 birthday this year and I would like to do some things I have not yet done including skydiving and surfing. I have taken a little hiatus from martial arts this winter, but would like to get back into it at some point as well as continue my dabbling with rock climbing.
  6. Machu Picchu (Peru)Rest and Recovery– you can’t have the Yang without the Yin. So in this category I’ve made a commitment to rest on Sundays (not track my goals), and take one day off a month to just go out by myself for a few hours and get some peace and quiet. Additionally I would like to take a big trip. Peru and Machu Pichu has been on my list for a while and I’ve heard that they will be closing the site down due to too many people ruining the integrity of the site. So I hope I can get there before that happens.

Those are my goals in brief for 2015. Fire me a message and share with me your goals!
